Thursday, July 28, 2011

#209 - Nestle's, South of the Equator


  1. There are candies that only exist in some countries and it is hard to get them if you are not there, like these ones in the picture. When I travelled to Argentina, I discovered Dulce de Leche. Along with it, all the candy bars and sweets that contain it. Next to the apartment in buenos aires I was staying in, there was a "kiosko" and I could not start the day without a taste od Dulce de leche. How am I supposed to live now without it??!!

  2. Hi Lindsay,

    I was also in Argentina for a few weeks in 2009. I love dulce de leche! And alfajores, right? They have dulce de leche here in Bolivia too. I do not understand why it is so difficult to find in the U.S. It's delicious! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

    - Alissandra
